New MFL Tax Rates

New Managed Forest Land (MFL) tax rates are now in effect.

Photo by: Markus Spiske

As of January 1, 2023, new Wisconsin Managed Forest Land real estate tax rates are in effect. The good news for landowners is that they are generally lower. The Managed Forest Land program provides landowners with discounts in exchange for restrictions on development and other regulatory forest practices. Many forested states maintain similar programs in order to conserve private forest land.

Here are the 2023 rates:

For land enrolled in 2005 and later:

Open: $1.90 Down 7.4%

Closed $9.49 Down 9.3%

Enrolled prior to 2005

Open $0.72 Down 2.7%

Closed $1.68 Down 3.4%

Land enrolled in 2004 and earlier qualifies for lower rates than land enrolled in 2005 or later.

Forest land that is open to the public for outdoor recreation qualifies for lower rates.

All rates are per acre and will remain in effect through 2027. Explore Wisconsin's DNR description of the rates here

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