From Mill Closures to New Opportunities
See more about an effort, called Maine-Forest by the University of Maine...

A collaborative effort in Maine to “foster resilient forest communities” has been awarded a $7 million National Science Foundation grant. The effort, called Maine-Forest, is being led by the University of Maine and will focus on wood-derived alternatives to plastic and cement, and the application of artificial intelligence and informatics.
Maine forest communities have been impacted by mill closings and volatility in biomass energy consumption.
“The grant provides $4.5 million for scholarly activities at UMaine as well as $2.5 million for collaborative activities led by project partners across the state that include nonprofits, private colleges, and three additional University of Maine System campuses,” according to the announcement. “The award also includes an opportunity for an additional $4.5 million of funding to extend Maine Forest for three additional years.
The announcement of the program can be found here: