Timber Pricing Reports


  • Ash
  • Aspen
  • Balsam Fir
  • Basswood
  • Birch
  • Black Walnut
  • Cedar
  • Cherry
  • Elm
  • Hemlock
  • Hickory
  • Maple
  • Mixed Hardwood
  • Oak
  • Pine
  • Softwood
  • Spruce
  • Tamarack

Pricing For Both:


Sawtimber pricing is for logs that are suitable for making lumber. Saw logs are higher quality and are more regular than wood sold as pulpwood. Sawtimber is priced in dollars per thousand board feet (mbf).


Pulpwood is wood harvested for making paper and products other than lumber. It is measured in cords or tons. Forest Data Network pricing is by the cord. A cord equals 128 cubic feet or a pile of wood that is 4 feet high, 8 feet wide and 4 feet deep.

How to Use Index Prices
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Wisconsin forest road washed

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Forest Data Network?

Forest Data Network is composed of a group of people with backgrounds in forest land ownership, the information business, and technology. FDN uses modern computer technology to compile, analyze and present real timber transactions to compile price indices by species, region and statewide.

Is pricing data available for my state?

Timber pricing data is currently available for Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. If you would like us to prioritize your state, please e-mail us at info@forestdatanetwork.com

How frequently is pricing data published?

The frequency of updating depends on the harvest volumes and harvest frequency in the region. The regions with higher volume and harvest frequency are updated at least 3 times annually. Less frequent and lower volume areas are updated at least annually because of the lesser harvest frequency (and their report price is discounted because of this).

How accurate is the pricing data?

The pricing data is an index based on thousands of real transactions. But it is an index and may not reflect the value of timber on a particular piece of land because of variations in log quality, mill location logging, trucking costs and other factors. Our index prices may be higher or lower than prices paid on a particular parcels. Index prices make a useful benchmark, enabling you to make comparisons and make trends clear.

How recent is the data?

For regions with lots of harvest volume, the information is updated about quarterly. For regions with little volume, the information was gathered within the last year.

How many years of trailing data are included?

Each region (and the statewide information) contains 10 years of index pricing information for the species harvested there in commercial volume.

Still Have Questions?

Contact us any time and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.