Wood Innovation Grants
Take a look at the purpose and amounts of wood innovation grants

The U.S. Forest Service awarded more than $2.7 million in Wood Innovation grants in the Lake States in fiscal year 2023, with the bulk of funding being awarded in Michigan.
The purpose of the grants program is to invest in innovations in the use of wood for construction projects and wood energy systems. “Healthy forests depend on a healthy forest products economy, and these investments support local economies while directly contributing to improving forest health and lowering wildfire risks to communities,” according to the Forest Service announcement.
The largest single grant in the Lake States was made to Northern Hardwoods Lumber was $1 million for a biomass boiler and energy system. Other Michigan grants were $300,000 each to Manthei Wood Products for a wood-fired boiler, Shamco Lumber for a mill and market expansion, and Michigan State University to offer assistance to the Michigan mass timber ecosystem to increase demand and support production.
Minnesota received two grants: to Dovetail Partners for a biochar pilot project and to the Midway Contemporary Art Library for a mass timber extension.
Wisconsin also received two grants, one to the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point for underutilized maple to replace imported eucalyptus, and another for “The Neutral Project”, a tall mass timber apartment structure in Downtown Milwaukee.
All of the projects nationally can be found here: Link